Coloured Flowers for Anniversary Dates
Roses may seem like the only option for a romantic anniversary bouquet, but when it comes to anniversary dates there are many ways to mark the event with symbolic flowers.
Understanding the meaning of flowers when given within a marriage, the traditional flowers used to mark specific wedding anniversaries, and flowers of the month which can be used for any kind of anniversary or occasion should give you some new ideas on how to celebrate an anniversary in style.
The Meaning of Flowers Within Marriage
Flowers have been given as gifts between lovers for centuries, and throughout this time a language of flowers has evolved. While flowers can mean different things in different context, the meanings of flowers given within a marriage can vary widely. Flowering almond, for example, means hope while ambrosia is a symbol that someone's love is being returned or reciprocated. Arbutus symbolises true love while pink camellias signify longing. Gardenias are representative of sweet love, and jonquil represent desire. But not all flowers carry positive messages.For example, butterfly weed is a message that the giver needs to leave or escape while purple hyacinth expresses sorrow or begs for forgiveness. Rhododendron conveys a message of caution, while scabious is emblematic of unfortunate love. Understanding the language of flowers within a marriage or relationship allows for deeper meanings to be conveyed through beautiful floral arrangements.
Traditional Flowers for Wedding Anniversaries
Much as there are traditional gifts to give on specific wedding anniversaries so too are there flowers that correspond to specific years.One year of marriage is marked with pansies while two years of marriage are marked with cosmos. Fuchsia is given on third anniversaries, geraniums on fourth anniversaries and daisies on fifth anniversaries. Six years of marriage are celebrated with calla lillies, seven years with jack-in-the-pulpits and eight years with clematis. Poppies are significant to ninth wedding anniversaries, daffodils to tenth and morning glories to eleventh. Peonies are appropriate for twelfth anniversaries, hollyhock is particular to thirteenth anniversaries, dahlia is given on fourteenth anniversaries and roses are specific to fifteenth anniversaries.
After 15 years, flowers then become symbolic only at milestone anniversaries. Day lilies are given on twentieth anniversaries, iris on twenty-fifth anniversaries, orchids on twenty-eight anniversaries, and sweet pea on thirtieth anniversaries. Fortieth anniversaries are celebrated with nasturtium and fiftieth wedding anniversaries with violets.
Flowers of the Month
Much like there are coloured birthstones that correspond to certain months, so too are there flowers that are significant of particular months. January is represented by white carnations and snowdrops while February is represented by violets and primrose. Daffodils and jonquils are the flowers of the month of March and daisies and sweet peas are the flowers of April.The flowers of May include lily of the valley and hawthorn, the flowers of June include rose and honeysuckle and the flowers of July include larkspur and water lily. August's flowers are gladiolas and poppy, September's flowers are aster and morning glory and October's flowers are calendula and cosmos. November is represented by chrysanthemum and December by narcissus and holly. These flowers are usually what is in season during specific months, and so can be used to celebrate anniversaries and occasions throughout the months.
There are many options for coloured flowers for anniversaries, some of which include greater meaning than just style or beauty. The meaning of flowers given within marriage, traditional flowers for wedding anniversaries and flowers of the month are all options to explore when giving flowers for a specific occasion.
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